Category Archives: News

MegaPirateNG 3.0.1 R2 – Public Release

MegaPirateNG 3.0.1 R2 is now available for all. You can download zip file or get sources at GitHub.

Please post all bugs and feature requests in GitHub issue tracker.

Who want to contribute some code, you can done it via GitHub Pull request.

Current bugfixes in upcoming R3:

  • Added ability to use Serial1 in UserCode.pde
  • Added ability to disable internal compass (to use external) in AP_IntertialSensor_MPU6000_I2C.cpp
  • Added ability to select MPNG compatible boards in APM_Config.h
  • Added ability to change Serial2 port speed in APM_Config.h
  • Fixed Serial2 initialization (RXD pullup enable)
  • Fixed GPS driver selecting in APM_Config.h (from AC 3.1)
  • Main loop rate lowered to 100Hz (from AC 3.1)
  • Fixed pin mapping for Copter LEDs and Voltage&Current sensor

Possible bug in 3.0.1

One guy reported strange problem with 3.0.1 release. He have RCT Crius V2 board and running it in PPM_SUM mode. When he hovering at ~40-50% of throttle, all seems ok, but if they increase throttle – board hang and copter drops from the sky.He can 100% reproduce this problem. We tried all possible solutions, but It still hang.

I’m tried all things to catch this bug, but my copter(and hexa) performs very well and I have no hangs. So,

I need some help in testing. Please, make it all safely! You do not need to fly, problem can be reproduced on table. Just make sure it will not fly. Arm copter and try to increase Throttle.

If you will encounter this problem, please report back with all possible information: Logs (from board and Planner), your hardware config, what you changed in firmware (PPM mode, and etc.)

Thank you very much.

MegaPirateNG 3.0.1 R2 – released

I’m glad to present new version of MPNG 3.0.1 – R2

Important notice! This version still not support old boards with ITG3200 sensor (will be added in R3). Only flight controllers with MPU6050 currently supported.

What changed in R2:

  1. Fixed Compassmot calibration in terminal and test -> compass command.
  2. Little optimized MPU6050 reading.
  3. Added method to fix bootloader bug (uploading hang).

Download link was sent to all who made donation. If you make donation and not received (until 30.08.2013) e-mail, please send me request to [email protected]

MPNG 3.0.1 – R2 public release will be available: 16.09.2013

First flight tests, MPNG 3.0.1

I’m just returned from street. Made first test flights:

Sorry for bad quality, I’m flying at evening and also I have 3G connection so cannot upload HD. Also, I don’t know, who placed the tree in background :)

Will upload HD tomorrow.

MPNG running with default PID. Fly very well!!! I’m very satisfied with results. I’m made only basic calibrations, nothing changed in PID’s.

Checked STABILIZE mode, Stabilize with Simple mode, AltHold and LOITER. All just works.

News about MPNG 3.0.1, ETA 19.08.2013

I’m just added some “How To” pages for new MPNG’s users.

3.x version of MPNG (and ArduCopter of course) uses new software model called “HAL”. In order to compile sources with this new model, you must download and use special edition of Arduino IDE. This IDE have new Menu item “ArduPilot”, where you can choose for which board you will compile MPNG (APM1, APM2, MPNG). You can read here how to compile and where to get this special IDE.

I have some little progress in MPNG 3.0.1, First of all, now you can compile source for HIL simulation. Also I’m made changes in ArduPlane and ArduRover, so now it’s compile as well (not tested at all, just compile).

Currently, GPS protocol cannot be selected and used AUTO. So maybe some GPS modules will won’t work. You cannot change GPS driver since little bug in original ArduPilot sources (fixed in next version).

Last days I’m working on supporting GPS and 3DR Telemetry. Looks like all of this works fine, so I’m trying to assembly my quadcopter to test firmware in the fly.

What not will be included (not works) in first release of 3.x:

  1. Failsafe on RC receivers which not support it (cheap receivers, like Turnigy 9x)
  2. Sonar
  3. Gimbal will work only on pins D11 & D12 (not available on copter bigger than 6 motors)
  4. FrSky Telemetry
  5. Syberian’s LED Sequencer

ETA of new MPNG 3.0.1 is 19.08.2013


New home for MPNG project

I’m glad to present our new web site for MPNG project. I will try to accumulate useful information regarding MPNG. How to’s and troubleshooting. Compilation information and downloads. Hope it will be useful for you.

This site is under construction, so I will add information as soon as possible.
